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Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado Gse_multipart13851

Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado

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Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado Empty Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado

Mensagem por Roberto Barata Sex 07 Dez 2012, 09:13

Após receber o email do Simmarket a informar do update, já estou na área de cliente a efectuar o download do programa completo, para quem quiser somente o SP4 segue o link: http://www.hifitechinc.com/Downloads

Service Pack 4 (B702):

- Improved performance of DWC write for better wind control

- Fixed problem with “Prevent Tstorms with CB” option failing to prevent Thunderstorms

- Fixed problem with hurricane data causing crashing (NullReferenceException) in some cases, when located within the hurricane area

- Fixed some cloud and visibility depiction issues with hurricanes when using DWC mode

- Increased speed of DWC write for quicker wind, visibility, pressure and temperature smoothing changes, which should avoid “lagging” ambient conditions when making quick descents to landing

- Fixed problem with occasional SimConnect Exception errors in DWC mode.

- Improved surface wind interpolation in low-density areas

- Improved surface temperature interpolation in low-density areas

- Updated VATSIM status server URL, re-enabling VATSIM injected METARs for Departure and Destination

- Fixed problem with Flight Plan import causing a “file lock” on a .PLN file.

- Fixed problem with Wx Config “PARSE” function which would fail to properly parse wind and cloud layers in some situations

- Fixed problem with invalid baro filter routine in FS9 which could cause unflyably low or high pressure when invalid pressure data is supplied in METAR data

- Added temperature decoding filtering to ensure that invalid values are not depicted

- Fixed problem where entering lowercase letters in the Wx-Report screen could result in invalid interpolation details displayed when the Interpolation button is pressed

- Fixed problem where Rain/Snow may not properly depict in FS9 at high-altitude airports with high nimbus cloud layers

- Fixed problem with isolated intermittent failure of activation system occasionally causing unnecessary re-activations

- Fixed problem with Suppress on Ground option not properly suppressing updates on the ground in some cases

- Fixed problem with manual visibility set to 0SM resulting in graphical issues in some cases

- Fixed problem with FS9 visibility anomaly in some areas where lower visibility altitude was slightly above the surface, causing a visible line in the surrounding terrain

Última edição por Roberto RGPA em Sex 07 Dez 2012, 09:56, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : colocar "lançado" no título.)

Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado Rggf
Roberto Barata
Roberto Barata

Inscrito em : 17/05/2012
Mensagens : 227
Reputação : 17
Idade : 38
Simulador preferido : FS2004
Nacionalidade : Portugal


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Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado Empty Re: Active Sky Evolution SP4 lançado

Mensagem por andre_sp Sex 07 Dez 2012, 09:19

É, uma série de melhorias. Para quem ainda usa, fica a dica!

thanks pela informação, Roberto.

A vantagem da honestidade é que a concorrência é pequena.

Inscrito em : 26/08/2009
Mensagens : 12012
Reputação : 1265
Idade : 55
Simulador preferido : FSX
Emprego/lazer : Aviação
Nacionalidade : Brasil

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