Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
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Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
Fala pessoal!!!
Lá vem outra atualização do Ifly 737.
Segue abaixo a nota Steve para todos nós, usuários dessa magnífica máquina.
"Hello Everyone,
I realise we have been very quiet recently and the reason behind this is what was planned as 6 fix feature pack update, has become more of an additional feature pack for the aircraft. There are approximately 50 changes made in the update we will release. Many are minor and like before may not been seen by some, the ultra keen among you will I am sure spot many of the changes quickly. There is one major update that I think you will all find on your first flight which I am sure will get everyone talking.
The iFly software development has gone on a lot longer than any of us expected and that is down to the great support we have now. Jiangwei and his team wanted to repay the loyalty shown by our owners and in return give you the best possible aircraft. The update we are preparing will be the final update for the aircraft. There maybe a few tools released in the fututre for the cockpit builders version to allow easier hardware integration and operation of a fix based simulator.
I am sure everyone would love to hear what is included in the update and while I can confirm the TCAS issue in FS9 online flying, V speeds and adding winds on the descent page have all been addressed, I will leave everything else for you to find. There is one HUGE addition to the update something some have tried to add before and failed. Something that will transform the way you fly the aircraft and hopefully enhance the experience for you.I appreciate we can never please everyone and hopefully we will have pleased the majority and if there was something you had hoped to see and is not present it will not spoil your enjoyment of the aircraft.
When the FS9 version was released 2 years ago, I never expected the iFly project to become a full time project and one that needed a large team to develop and support. This has all come about because of our owners and I wanted to take this opportunity to let our FS9 owners know that when the team start on their next project it will include an FS9 version you will not be forgotten.
I have cleaned up the pilots lounge and moved many of the great pinned topics to the FAQ forum, I have a feeling there maybe many fresh discussions to come after the release of the update.
As things stand to reinstall the iFly for FS9, FSX and P3D you need the base product and the feature Pack, this will change with the release of the update and once we are happy with the release we will update all products to an all in one installer to make life easier.
Our Cockpit builders software will also be modified to make it easier to install the main pro package and your client software as above when happy we will make these changes.
We are entering the final stages of testing and while I cannot give you a date for release yet things are getting closer and most of the major issues have been resolved.
Finally I will just like to give a HUGE thanks to our team memebers for all their hardware work testing and helping everyone in the forum, not forgetting Colin" Magic" Lowe, who continues to enhance the aircraft while delivery some stunning repaints.
Agora é só aguardar!!
Lá vem outra atualização do Ifly 737.
Segue abaixo a nota Steve para todos nós, usuários dessa magnífica máquina.
"Hello Everyone,
I realise we have been very quiet recently and the reason behind this is what was planned as 6 fix feature pack update, has become more of an additional feature pack for the aircraft. There are approximately 50 changes made in the update we will release. Many are minor and like before may not been seen by some, the ultra keen among you will I am sure spot many of the changes quickly. There is one major update that I think you will all find on your first flight which I am sure will get everyone talking.
The iFly software development has gone on a lot longer than any of us expected and that is down to the great support we have now. Jiangwei and his team wanted to repay the loyalty shown by our owners and in return give you the best possible aircraft. The update we are preparing will be the final update for the aircraft. There maybe a few tools released in the fututre for the cockpit builders version to allow easier hardware integration and operation of a fix based simulator.
I am sure everyone would love to hear what is included in the update and while I can confirm the TCAS issue in FS9 online flying, V speeds and adding winds on the descent page have all been addressed, I will leave everything else for you to find. There is one HUGE addition to the update something some have tried to add before and failed. Something that will transform the way you fly the aircraft and hopefully enhance the experience for you.I appreciate we can never please everyone and hopefully we will have pleased the majority and if there was something you had hoped to see and is not present it will not spoil your enjoyment of the aircraft.
When the FS9 version was released 2 years ago, I never expected the iFly project to become a full time project and one that needed a large team to develop and support. This has all come about because of our owners and I wanted to take this opportunity to let our FS9 owners know that when the team start on their next project it will include an FS9 version you will not be forgotten.
I have cleaned up the pilots lounge and moved many of the great pinned topics to the FAQ forum, I have a feeling there maybe many fresh discussions to come after the release of the update.
As things stand to reinstall the iFly for FS9, FSX and P3D you need the base product and the feature Pack, this will change with the release of the update and once we are happy with the release we will update all products to an all in one installer to make life easier.
Our Cockpit builders software will also be modified to make it easier to install the main pro package and your client software as above when happy we will make these changes.
We are entering the final stages of testing and while I cannot give you a date for release yet things are getting closer and most of the major issues have been resolved.
Finally I will just like to give a HUGE thanks to our team memebers for all their hardware work testing and helping everyone in the forum, not forgetting Colin" Magic" Lowe, who continues to enhance the aircraft while delivery some stunning repaints.
Agora é só aguardar!!
fsilvaporto- Banido
Inscrito em : 11/06/2012
Mensagens : 50
Reputação : -4
Idade : 36
Simulador preferido : FS2004,FSX
Emprego/lazer : First Officer Fedex
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Re: Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
Já está disponível para download
Jose Carlos Kokol- Tenente-Coronel
Inscrito em : 23/01/2012
Mensagens : 575
Reputação : 50
Idade : 72
Simulador preferido : FS 9
Emprego/lazer : Aposentado
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Re: Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
O ifly foi um dos melhores investimentos que já fiz em FS. Ele conseguiu superar O mitológico 737 PMDG, e foi além das espectativas dos usuários de FS9.
cafejava- Tenente-Coronel
Inscrito em : 01/03/2011
Mensagens : 655
Reputação : 22
Idade : 41
Emprego/lazer : Analista de Sistemas / Ciclismo e Aviação
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Re: Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
cafejava escreveu:O ifly foi um dos melhores investimentos que já fiz em FS. Ele conseguiu superar O mitológico 737 PMDG, e foi além das espectativas dos usuários de FS9.
Concordo totalmente.
Jose Carlos Kokol- Tenente-Coronel
Inscrito em : 23/01/2012
Mensagens : 575
Reputação : 50
Idade : 72
Simulador preferido : FS 9
Emprego/lazer : Aposentado
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Re: Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
Muito bom esse Ifly ainda mais com tantas novidades e atualizações que a equipe faz para ele. Sem sombra de duvida foi um dinheiro muito bem empregado. Pois cada dia eles tentam fazer que o Ifly se torne uma aeronave mais próxima da realidade claro com as limitações do Fs9. Era muito fã do Pmdg para o Fs9 mais agora só uso o Ifly e creio que não ficaremos somente nessas atualizações não teremos varias pois a equipe esta muito motivada com o seu produto.
M. Freitas.
M. Freitas.
mfreitas_rj- Capitão
Inscrito em : 29/03/2011
Mensagens : 211
Reputação : 15
Idade : 41
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Re: Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
Realmente.. Além de ser um produto que está dando retorno $$ para os administradores, o forum de suporte realmente funciona. Dessa vez creio que eles esgotaram todas as possíbilidades de fazer algo melhor para o FS9, pois é bem limitado o FS2004.
Com toda certeza, é o melhor Addon que comprei para o FS9.
*Atenção pessoal, quem fez o download do FP 3.1 antes das 16:00LT, terá que fazer o download novamente, pois a primeira verão do P.F. 3.1 disponível, tinha um bug que era os números decimais na pressão do óleo. Às 17:10lt, ele consertaram o bug e disponibilizaram o F.P. 3.1 sem o bug.
Com toda certeza, é o melhor Addon que comprei para o FS9.
*Atenção pessoal, quem fez o download do FP 3.1 antes das 16:00LT, terá que fazer o download novamente, pois a primeira verão do P.F. 3.1 disponível, tinha um bug que era os números decimais na pressão do óleo. Às 17:10lt, ele consertaram o bug e disponibilizaram o F.P. 3.1 sem o bug.
fsilvaporto- Banido
Inscrito em : 11/06/2012
Mensagens : 50
Reputação : -4
Idade : 36
Simulador preferido : FS2004,FSX
Emprego/lazer : First Officer Fedex
Nacionalidade :
Re: Ifly - Feature Pack Fix Update à caminho!
Baixando o FP3.1
Lista de correções:
0.Major xxxxxxxx system rebuild (Discovered by Jonno_28)
1.Aerosoft Lido NavDataPro
2.Can't transfer GPS data to scratch-pad
3.V1 on Speed tape
4.Hud FMA's
5.Wind calculations- Descend page-forecast
6.V2 Speed
7.Efis/Map 45kns speed tape
8.Check if bump mapping of the vertical stab now works for all FSX models
9.Refueling rate too high
If you open the valves of the three tanks at the same time, each tank will only get 300kg/min each.
If you open only one valve, the related tank will get the full 900kg/min.
10.Inaccuracy of the step functionality of the CDU legs page with the ND in PLAN mode.
11.SID drawing issues
12.Aircraft elevator and trim out with turbulence at cruise altitude.
13.E/D conditions not always met.
14.TCAS not displaying all traffic on some FS9 systems.
15.VOR Course not being drawn when selected using hardware radio's
16.N1 light on MCP not illuminating at thrust reduction altitude on climb out.
17.When runway selected on route page it does not filter sids
18.IAN should only engage if a procedure was selected from the FMC, VOR, NDB, RNAV, ILS with no G/S (add easy and realistic modes)
19.There should be NO SPACE between GS+speed and TAS+speed at ND
20.selected SID and RWY,after EXEC, the RWY did not become ACT
21.If there are 2 way-points with the same ID in LEGS page, then CDU will fail to delete the first one using LSK.
22.VNAV approach speeds
23.VNAV Profile (no weather)
24.SID/STAR Approach section, alphabetic and chronological
25.No ambient sound with ISFD gauge
26.Way-point Stepping
27.ILS display problem on PFD
28.SIMU page > PANEL STYLE > AUTOPILOT page 4/4 > IAN MODE > the two options are blank/not displayed on the left side, only SEL shown on right side of the CDU page.
29.SID page not reverting to page 1 after choosing runway
30.FMC APPR REF page
Clicking on the LSK next to WIND CORR should transfer the actual value to the scratch-pad.
31.FMC intercept heading'-logic problem
32.switching from VNAV too LVL CHG during descend
33.Sync Baro settings (CAPT/FO easy mode)
34.Unable to delete a way-point in the Route page.
35.vor/loc and app activating simultaneous
36.VNAV flaps speed
37.TAI ON ABOVE 10'C and wing&engine anti-ice switches
38.CWS logic error
39.Baro STD font & MAG HDG size
40.HUD artifact
41.Add HOLD leg distance/time
42.Range indications missing in CTR mode
43. OVHD EFIS switch logic
Lista de correções:
0.Major xxxxxxxx system rebuild (Discovered by Jonno_28)
1.Aerosoft Lido NavDataPro
2.Can't transfer GPS data to scratch-pad
3.V1 on Speed tape
4.Hud FMA's
5.Wind calculations- Descend page-forecast
6.V2 Speed
7.Efis/Map 45kns speed tape
8.Check if bump mapping of the vertical stab now works for all FSX models
9.Refueling rate too high
If you open the valves of the three tanks at the same time, each tank will only get 300kg/min each.
If you open only one valve, the related tank will get the full 900kg/min.
10.Inaccuracy of the step functionality of the CDU legs page with the ND in PLAN mode.
11.SID drawing issues
12.Aircraft elevator and trim out with turbulence at cruise altitude.
13.E/D conditions not always met.
14.TCAS not displaying all traffic on some FS9 systems.
15.VOR Course not being drawn when selected using hardware radio's
16.N1 light on MCP not illuminating at thrust reduction altitude on climb out.
17.When runway selected on route page it does not filter sids
18.IAN should only engage if a procedure was selected from the FMC, VOR, NDB, RNAV, ILS with no G/S (add easy and realistic modes)
19.There should be NO SPACE between GS+speed and TAS+speed at ND
20.selected SID and RWY,after EXEC, the RWY did not become ACT
21.If there are 2 way-points with the same ID in LEGS page, then CDU will fail to delete the first one using LSK.
22.VNAV approach speeds
23.VNAV Profile (no weather)
24.SID/STAR Approach section, alphabetic and chronological
25.No ambient sound with ISFD gauge
26.Way-point Stepping
27.ILS display problem on PFD
28.SIMU page > PANEL STYLE > AUTOPILOT page 4/4 > IAN MODE > the two options are blank/not displayed on the left side, only SEL shown on right side of the CDU page.
29.SID page not reverting to page 1 after choosing runway
30.FMC APPR REF page
Clicking on the LSK next to WIND CORR should transfer the actual value to the scratch-pad.
31.FMC intercept heading'-logic problem
32.switching from VNAV too LVL CHG during descend
33.Sync Baro settings (CAPT/FO easy mode)
34.Unable to delete a way-point in the Route page.
35.vor/loc and app activating simultaneous
36.VNAV flaps speed
37.TAI ON ABOVE 10'C and wing&engine anti-ice switches
38.CWS logic error
39.Baro STD font & MAG HDG size
40.HUD artifact
41.Add HOLD leg distance/time
42.Range indications missing in CTR mode
43. OVHD EFIS switch logic
Andreld- Segundo-Tenente
Inscrito em : 04/09/2010
Mensagens : 31
Reputação : -6
Idade : 44
Simulador preferido : FS2004
Emprego/lazer : Aviação
Nacionalidade :
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» Feature Pack 3.1 Ifly 737 FSX
» Ifly feature pack disponivel.
» Ifly Service Pack 3.2
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