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Novidades na AVSIM Empty Novidades na AVSIM

Mensagem por campospinto Qua 28 Dez 2011, 01:30

Deem uma conferida na pagina do AVSIM.

"AVSIM Opens Groups System

Posted: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 19:48
We are pleased to announce the opening of the AVSIM Groups System - a community portal for clubs, like-minded members of the forums, anything at all within the basic genre' of aviation, simulation, hoppies, game and news interests, and you name it. If it fits within any of those, you can create your own group just as you have seen on Linkedin and others speciality social sites. All members of AVSIM can create their own group and let it be totally open for the public to join, or establish a private group where invitations to users are sent out.

The opening of the Groups System is an important next step in the future direction of AVSIM and our ever changing hobby; simulation. If you have a specific area of interest you would like others to share, create your group today!

You can find the Group System through the Social Groups selection on the upper menu of the Forums. "

O Pilotos do Brasil ja esta la.

João Alfredo

É impossivel agradar Gregos e Troianos

Inscrito em : 10/11/2011
Mensagens : 684
Reputação : 44
Idade : 67
Simulador preferido : FSX SE X-Plane
Emprego/lazer : Manutenção de micros/pedaladas
Nacionalidade : Brasil

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